EvolvHealth Continues H.O.P.E. Mission and Celebrates latest e84 FUEL Challenge winner: Rob DeBoer
Dallas, TX, May 24, 2012 — EvolvHealth Members and their guests recently gathered all across the country to partake in the Evolv Revolution Regionals on May 19th, where Evolv announced the 4 newest winners of the e84 Challenge. Rob DeBoer was named as the winner in the FUEL category, entitling him to over $10,000 in cash, trips, and prizes.
The FUEL Challenge is geared for those who consider themselves in reasonably good shape, or “almost there,” but who would like to improve their energy, stamina, and strength. The tools and guidelines can be tailored to fit anyone’s ability. The FUEL Challenge is the workhorse of the three e84 programs, since it can essentially be repeated indefinitely to help the Challenger maintain the best health possible over the long term. “The e84 Challenge changed everything for me,” said DeBoer. “It gave me back the confidence and desire to live life again as I had always known it – being that of a healthy athlete that loved to train and eat right. It challenged me to win and work hard to achieve the final result. The e84 Challenge not only transformed my body, but it also restored a sense of confidence and belief in myself.”
About the FUEL Challenge
The FUEL Challenge is perfect for those who may already be somewhat active and even very close to their ideal body health and fitness, but still want to enjoy more energy, trim down, or firm up. Taking the FUEL Challenge offers the targeted tools, guidance, motivation, and assistance necessary to give Challengers just what is needed to fine-tune and then maintain their best health possible, improving their overall fitness level in a manner that suits their abilities, helping them push the limits just enough to reach that ideal goal weight and fitness level. Like the BURN and EDGE Challenges, the FUEL Challenge offers one hard-working winner the chance to earn an Award. The FUEL Challenge Award is offered to one person every quarter who demonstrates exceptional dedication and success in completing the Challenge.
Congratulations to the e84 FUEL Finalists
Congratulations to the other e84 FUEL Finalists including Jerome Hughes who lost 4 inches around his waist, Tracie Trotter who increased her energy and lost 19 pounds, Anthony Jacobs who lost an incredible 41 pounds, Gina Flores who lost a total of 18 pounds and an overall total of 14 inches across her body, Wendy Dieterlen lost 3% body fat and Becky Wollenberg lost an amazing 8.63% body fat.
About e84
The e84 Challenge is a health renewal program that offers better health through the use of targeted, easy-to-use tools, guidelines, and health supporting, great tasting nutritional products. Unlike dieting or fad crazes that set you up for failure and a dangerous cycle of repeated weight loss and gain, e84 emphasizes the creation of new lifestyle habits by making small, daily changes to your existing routine, the benefits of which are intended to last a lifetime by virtue of “The Compound Effect.” Included with the Evolv line of products and support system is the Evolv ExerSciz Program, a personalized, 28 day program calibrated to your body’s physiology and unique to your needs and goals, available equipment, and schedule. If you follow e84’s simple program, you will increase your chances dramatically of enjoying better long-term health. To learn more about e84 or to register for your own Challenge today, visit www.evolvhealth.com/e84challenge.
About EvolvHealth
EvolvHealth is a health movement company that inspires change in people’s lives. EvolvHealth’s goal is to inspire 8.4 million people to reach for and realize their fitness and wellness goals by completing their own e84 Challenge by the Evolv motto of H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Evolv).
The e84 Challenge is powered by 4 core categories to creating better health: Nutrition, Exercise, Energy and Support. Evolv’s exclusive line of products and technologies are backed by science and proven results. Priority products such as Evolv Limitless, Evolv Shake and Thin, Evolv Archaea Active and the Evolv cPRIME band, along with the unique personalized Evolv ExerSciz program, are the foundation in helping people creating substantial results during and after an e84 Challenge.
The program is supported by a one of a kind, Facebook App that helps Challengers STICK to their e84 in a fun, social media format using points, badges and an SOS support program if one slips in their commitment to reach their goals.
Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Evolv products and the e84 is marketed through a network of independent business owners in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, and Peru. Visit http://www.evolvhealth.com for more information about EvolvHealth.
Anne Bodak Smith, B.S., D.C.
Chief Science Officer
EvolvHealth, LLC