One of the many things we love about the e84 Challenge is that it not only affects the individual who decides to take on the challenge, but also the families of each participant! We hear endless success stories and more and more we are hearing of how the Challenge really transformed the culture of the family. It’s not just an 84 day challenge anymore but a lifestyle! Take our winners for example. On last night’s call we heard from this round’s Edge Winner, Larry Seegar who shared that his focus is his kids. He wants to be around and be active with them as well as teach them a healthy lifestyle. Burn Winner Spencer Fodczuk said he “Wanted to be able to play and have a good time with his children, increase his confidence and quality of life.” Fuel Winner Amanda Shirley is actually now on her 3rd Challenge; she’s met personal goals in her running and has felt more energy at home with her kids! Stories like these exciting as they are inspiring and they just keep on coming!
We also heard from our new “Honorary e84 Ambassador” Tamilee Webb-many of you might remember her for her Buns of Steel. She heard about e84 from friends and having lived a lifestyle of health and wellness she wanted to be a part of impacting the health of our generation. As Dr. Anne Smith put it so eloquently, “ [This type of challenge] is going to have a greater impact on this country than what practitioners can do” because we are targeting a lifestyle!!
Much more can be said about last night’s call! Listen for yourself on the player below or click here to listen on your browser!